Friday, December 24, 2010

A bit of travel before Santa visits

We took a 2-day trip north to see Hobbiton and the Waitomo Caves.
Wish we could share some of the amazing photos we took at Hobbiton - but we promised that our photos would not be shared/posted. It is a confidential movie set and we signed papers saying we would not share our photos - sorry.

We can however show you some of the insides of the wonderful Caves. Above photos of are Ruakuri and Aranui Caves. Stalactites and stalagmites everywhere. And Glow worms!!!
The Glow worms are very difficult to photograph but here is an attempt. The tiny bluish specks are the worms and the thin threads that dangle is how they catch their food. If the marketing guys did not get a hold of it you might call it "Shiny Maggot Poo" since what they really are are maggots or fly larva and what makes them glow is the chemical reaction form digestion(shit).

These caves are 100 - 200 feet below the surface of the earth.

We are looking forward to traveling the South Island again.

More soon...

Stacy & Eric

Holiday Time

Holiday Greetings to all !

These are photos of the Telecom tree in Wellington. It is quite amazing and beautiful. The patterns continuously change. The other night (Dec 15th) we met some friends for holiday music by the tree and had a wonderful time. Finally started to feel like Xmas time with holiday cheer.

My office will be closing on Dec 20th and reopening again on Jan 5th. I will be going back on the 10th, - taking a few extra days since Eric's Mom Sue and her brother Rich will be visiting us for the holidays. We are looking forward to it.

We wish everyone all the best for the Holidays!
Missing our family and friends back in the States, and enjoying our new friends here.

Cheers to all,
Stacy & Eric

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Happy Holiday Cheer

Wishing everyone a healthy and happy holiday season!

The cost to send actual holiday cards from New Zealand was just silly, so we decided to send ecards instead. And it's the "green" thing to do.

Stacy & Eric