Monday, October 8, 2012

I have no words

My amazing nephew Tanner!
We Love You!

.....So this is the post I have been avoiding. When we started this adventure we always knew that there would be ups and downs and had always planned on sharing the "whole" adventure with those who wanted to follow our blog. Up until now it's been a pretty amazing adventure indeed. And the downs have been very minimal.

It is with great pain that I am writing now. These are the times that it is most difficult to be so far away from family. 

In September the doctors found a brain tumor in my 10 1/2  year old nephew Tanner. I flew home and spent 4 1/2 days with my brother and with family. They performed surgery and the doctors removed "all" of the tumor. Tanner did amazing - and he has suffered none of the side effects that were feared. Unfortunately the biopsy results were that it was malignant. He has a very aggressive form of Cancer that is now being treated with chemo. We are going day by day and sending all the good vibes out to him that we can. It is a very helpless feeling.

Not that I wouldn't feel just as helpless if I were sitting in Los Angeles at this moment. But it is harder when you you know you are a minimum of 18- 20 hours plane flight away. It should also be said that my Brother, and his ex-wife Marlo and their daughter, Casey are also amazing and inspirational when it comes to watching how wonderful and supportive a family can be. 

Everything else at this point feels very trivial.... and my excitement surrounding The Hobbit has been dulled. But here is some trivial stuff.

Because we said we would post more photos of our place, we have included them: 

The Living Room

The Kitchen

The bedroom (w/Myztyc)

We call this the "closet" or changing room.
They call it another bedroom but the rooms are too small for beds AND dressers.

The hall

Our Office -still not finished unpacking in here.

The Guest bedroom. 
Currently the room for stuff still to be unpacked and put away.

Now that we have been here in NZ for 2 years, Eric and I have been given "residency" status. That is not the same as citizenship, but it means that we are now entitled to/ have access to a few more things and will not be deported if I were to leave or lose my job.  - Yay!

I also was able to attend an amazing show here called the "World of Wearable Art" - it is kind of a mix between a fashion show and Cirque du Soleil is the best description I can give it. But it was fun.

I hope that things will get better and that I will have more fun and happy things to share soon.
Eric went to China for 2 weeks for work and has some amazing photos that we will post soon and I am off to China again this week for more work. I think Eric and I will have only spent about 5-6 days together in the last month and a half. Looking forward to celebrating our 16th Anniversary together in a few weeks.

To all of our friends and family, remember to hug your loved ones.
We love you!

Stacy & Eric