Friday, July 20, 2012

Adventure continues....

It has been a very busy month and a half. And there's lots to report.

Eric and I have enjoyed the place we have been renting for the past 2 years. However we have been looking for a place that does not have any common walls, and we have found a cute house just down the road and will be moving on August 11th. We are very excited and are looking forward to the new space. We will post photos once we settle in. We will still have a great view and the ability to walk to work. As well as a spare room for those who have threatened to come visit.

Ian McKellen did an on stage performance here in Wellington to raise money to rebuild the Isaac Theater Royal in Christchurch. Eric and I went and it was delightful. Ian is an amazing performer and fun was certainly had by all in attendance. A lot of the Hobbit cast members were there, as was Peter Jackson.

I have just returned from a fabulous 3 week trip back to the States and Eric will be returning next week.
As always the time was too short and we did not get to see everyone. But it was great seeing those of you we did see. We love sharing our adventures and catching up with what is going on with family and friends back in the States. We think about you often and while we are enjoying ourselves here we do miss you all. The weather was fabulous and a great break from the cold winter weather back in NZ. And we definitely got our fill of missed foods. In N Out Burger was at the top of our list and I certainly lost count of the number of them we had over the 3 weeks. We also got plenty of good Mexican food. And I made sure to get plenty of the frozen yogurt that I miss.

While in the states both Eric and I worked San Diego Comic Con for Weta. It was a lot of hard work and great fun. Our booth was definitely one of the big hits of the show. We had three life size Trolls on display and everyone wanted their picture with them. I also did some work on a new iPhone/iPad App for one of our new collectibles - Barad-Dur. It was also a success and many people gathered around the piece looking through their iDevices to see The Eye of Sauron.

I will be off to China again leaving on the 29th. And then Eric and I (and Myztyc) will be busy packing and moving. Look for another update a photos towards the end of August.

Wishing everyone well,
Stacy & Eric